Gedung Cendrawsih Lt.2, Jalan Warung Buncit, No 24, Duren Tiga, Pancoran, Jaksel
General Contractor & Supplier
With Us you can be assured that your business will receive strong and reliable
Deliver exceptional construction solutions, exceeding client expectations, and building a better future.
Supply & Service
We provide high-quality products and services to support your business growth with fast.
We are dedicated to providing the best service, with a professional and experienced team. We are also committed to meeting your needs quickly and effectively.

PT. Cendrawasih Karya Mandiri

Welcome to PT. Cendrawasih Karya Mandiri, a General Contractor and Supplier company in Indonesia. We are committed to providing high-quality products and services to support your business growth with fast, responsive, and solution-oriented services.


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